The teams had to reach behind the iron bars to grab their clue, which
was a treasure map written on a piece of denim, in two parts with two
X's clearly marked. When the teams got out of the mine, they were
left to explore by themselves. The two pictures on the denim
corresponded to two different buildings on the property: the doctor's
shack, which had a large underground space, and a barn that had
several floors of eclectic items lying around and hanging on the
The X on the picture of the barn was all the way at the top. Teams
had to climb all the stairs and ladders to get to the top floor, where
the rack of pool balls was displayed. The X on the picture of the
doctor's shack was downstairs and seemingly in the wall. When the
teams got there, there seemed to be nothing on or next to the wall.
If they investigated thoroughly, however, they noticed that one of the
timbers in the wall was loose and could be removed to reveal a hollow
spot behind it.
In the wall, the teams found a physical hint for solving the pool balls clue. Instead of showing it on this page, we are linking to another page from here and from the main puzzle page, so that those who really want to challenge themselves can try to solve the clue with no hints whatsoever.
Look at the hint now.
Go to the puzzle.